Antoinette Redmon

Career & Notary Solutions

Wedding Decor

Wedding Officiant

Document and Stamp on Table of Notary Public

GA Notary Public

Career Solutions

Specializing in assisting you move forward in your career. Whether it's a new job, new position, or industry change. I am here to help.

  • Resumé Writer
  • Cover Letter Development
  • Interview Coaching
  • Follow-up Strategy
  • Job Leads
  • Application Assistance
  • LinkedIn Profile Development

Notary Solutions

Specializing in assisting you move forward in your career. Whether it's a new job, new position, or industry change. I am here to help.

  • Notary Public
  • Power Of Attorney
  • Medical Proxy
  • Loan Documents
  • Living Trust
  • Last Will & Testament
  • Marriage License
  • Titles / Bill of Sale

Notary Public Services

24/7 Metro Atlanta availability

Living Wills, Living Trust, Deeds, Contracts, Medical Proxy, Affidavits, & more.

Items required for services:

Completed documents, valid government-issued, and in some cases a witness.

Contact Me

(404)424 -3183